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Catappult Console AppCoins


We all know that monopoly practices enforced by Google and Apple endanger the health of the market. This is why Catappult was born, to offer a fairer Android eco-system, engaging with both, developers and users, providing better conditions and true valuable benefits.  

As a leading expert in providing innovation and technology-based consulting services, THINKONE had the pleasure to collaborate with Aptoide at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2019. We were honored and proud to be given the opportunity to join forces with the teams for the launch of Catappult Console, the first multi-store submission platform and the largest Android market place after Google Play with a reach to 500M Active Users. Bringing our years of expertise in the app distribution business to the project in its pre-launch phase, together with working with a team of devoted and dedicated highly skilled professionals at client level, led to the success story to what Catappult has become today.

Catappult partners with some of the largest third-party OEM App Stores such as Xiaomi, Oppo, Vivo, Cherry Mobile, Multilaser, and its proprietary native Android App Store, Aptoide. This together with the many third-party payment solutions, from digital wallets to direct carrier billing, and e-commerce top-up sites, there is no doubt that Google Play Store and Apple App Store are losing some serious traction, as big players are seeking and finding alternatives to earn incremental revenue at a lesser cost.

Third-party app stores are not only beneficial for the app ecosystem itself but they also are a great opportunity for app developers. The specifications of certain regions of the world, better conditions for app creators, innovative monetization and distribution techniques… and even higher visibility for indie apps. There are many reasons why Android app developers should give third-party app stores a good chance. If you'd like to learn more about Catappult or if you are a developer and would like to sign-up follow this link

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